Hanging Work by Bernadette Newton

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This work is displayed in The Red Gallery Hull and is an intricately knitted together piece of hanging work. If it were moved and hung up in a different position it would create a completely new piece of art. It also casts interesting shadows on the wall through the many layers which I found cool.




So half as a favour, half as a commission I was asked to do a friend of mine a drawing which would be a portrait. That is not my most confident field, at least not traditional style portraiture. I have been practicing in a lead up to doing it for her but in the mean time, in the spirit of drawing people here are some creepy faces I came up with that I found in a sketchbook from a while back. Guess I need to come out of the mindset of this sort of drawing for now.

I believe the original idea behind this work was to create separate bodies and see how colouring them digitally went but I never got round to it.

Tower of Babel Similarities

So today I was showing some of the tower city work I did to a couple of people and one of them remarked that it looked similar to the Tower of Babel, something I had never heard of.

After a little research I found a lot of images showing it to me.

TowerOfBabel Tower of Babel 2

These are just a few of what I found and I can see the similarities. For those who don’t know, like myself, the Tower of Babel was a structure from The Book of Genesis which in short was a group of people who spoke the same language building a structure to reach up to God.
(wiki page)

Seeing it and reading about the origins and reasons for the structure gave me a couple of ideas to expand on what I have been working on. One of which was to take a lot of famous buildings wither in my city or in England and place them stacked up in a “Tower of Babel”. Another was to simply make my own variation of it since nobody can have seen it.

Maybe if you are reading this you should come up with your own variation of it. It was certainly an interesting find.

Hull Central Library

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This is a drawing of Hull central library. The building itself, while a large dominating building is fairly flat. To counteract this I used a blocky brickwork scheme on the walls which stands out more than the other one. I also used a continuous wavy shading pattern where the building had no brickwork to emphasis how buildings will be made up of different textures.